Adopted April 7, 2003
Amended April 21, 2005
Revised and Adopted December 21, 2010
The Cedar Crest Society exists to improve the lives of all persons in our community. As a starting point we believe that all people have equal rights under the law. The Society has adopted both the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of its governing documents. This policy supports and clarifies the rights all of us have as citizens.
These rights apply to all adults served by the Society. If Cedar Crest is supporting a person who is not an adult these rights will apply to the family.
1. All persons receiving services will be treated with dignity and respect.
2. Your rights will be explained to you when you first come to Cedar Crest.
3. The Cedar Crest Society follows the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
4. The Cedar Crest Society follows the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
5. If you have a concern or complaint about Cedar Crest you will be helped to resolve it without anyone holding it against you.
6. Your rights will not be restricted unless a form of due process has been followed. This means that a legal order must be in place or, if the decision to restrict your rights is made within Cedar Crest, you will have the opportunity to say what you want and to appeal the decision of the Society. Any decision to restrict your rights will be reviewed regularly by people outside the Society.
7. Your rights, and any restrictions, will be assessed when you begin to receive services and reviewed each year.
8. Cedar Crest will not make rules that restrict the rights of all persons served and / or remain in effect without regular review.
9. Cedar Crest will not use intrusive or restrictive medical or behavioural interventions without prior informed consent.
10. Your cultural and individual preferences will be respected.
11. You will have the opportunity to be involved in the planning of your services and you are welcome to involve people you choose in the planning of your services.
12. Cedar Crest will keep all information about you confidential except as required by law. There are some times when we can not keep information confidential. If you threaten your own life or the life of someone else; if we are subpoenaed by the courts; if you tell us you have committed or are about to commit a crime or if you tell us about a person under the age of 19 who has or is being abused we are legally required to break confidentiality.
13. You have a right to know what records will be kept and who will have access to them. You have the right to view all records we keep that are about you.
14. All services will be designed to make you as independent as possible.
15. People have the right to appeal decisions and actions taken by Cedar Crest that affect their lives.